I think that handbags are the source of happiness. When it comes to bags, i lose all logic and self control. I used to buy a lot more but super cheap ones but now I’ve decided I would rather buy fewer bags but only buy bags that are good quality and are going to be a good investment. This usually means leather because it is very hard wearing and if looked after properly, can last a lifetime. I think there are only 4 bags I’m obsessed with- If I can collect them all Ill die happy.
1. Louis Vuitton Neverfull GM Damier Ebene
2. Chanel Classic Flap Bag 2.55
3. Mulberry Bayswater Tote
4. Hermès Birkin
Impossible to find a decent picture of a real one. Its a beautiful bag, trust me.
I realise that its unlikely that i will ever own all of these bags because I’m terrible at saving but a girl can dream!
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