Sœurs de Luxe


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Huge French Pharmacy Haul Part 1

DHC Deep Cleansing Oil, BiafineAct, Denblan Toothpaste, Topicrem

BiafineAct & Denblan whitening toothpaste

DHC Deep Cleansing Oil

I started writing this post nearly two months ago and it has just been sat in my drafts stagnating. I have bought a lot more since, including full sizes of some of things I bought and repurchases so it made more sense to start from scratch and talk about more recent purchases. 

I'm planning on leaving Paris fairly soon and I'm going through a mad panic shopping phase where I have to buy everything I see that I can't get in the UK easily, which basically means everything! There are a few must-haves that I've read about, products i've seen Asian tourists buying in bulk (so they must be good) and things i've fallen in love with and can't bear to live without. 

I haven't really given Topicrem a second thought, the packaging is bland and I've never really heard anyone talking about it. There are often huge displays in pharmacies here selling multi packs and they sell like hot cakes so there must be a good reason why. I didn't fancy shelling out for more than one bottle, its going to take up precious space in my luggage as it is. I bought the Topicrem Essentials Ultra-Moisturisng Body Milk. It doesn't really have a scent and it feels lovely without being overly rich. 

Biafine Act is another French Pharmacy must have that I have just repurchased, It's so useful just to have in the house in case of burns or whatnot and I haven't seen anything as good in the UK.

Denblan Whitening & Brightening Toothpaste is apparently the best for whitening teeth. It took me ages to track some down and it cost about €9 so I'm hoping it lives up to its' reputation. 

The DHC Deep Cleansing Oil is obviously something I can buy when I'm in the UK but I think i'm going to find it a lot harder to justify spending money on skincare when i'm a full time student again. I have vague memories of using this product before but I am excited to give it a good go. 

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